Taiwan Mala Spicy Duck Blood Highlights:
- You can taste Taiwan at home!
- Spicy duck blood is a common food in Taiwan’s night market.
- Can easily be found in spicy hot pot, aromatic tofu soup and many other Taiwanese cuisines.
- A hearty Asian food as duck blood promotes blood circulation, removes toxins, maintains beauty, aides digestion and warms the stomach.
- Comes with concentrated spicy red-brown colored broth
- How to Consume: heat the duck blood with broth, adding 1000-1200cc of water as desired.
- 鴨血: 口感滑順,品嚐起來香氣迷人,一咬開來,麻辣的湯底流進口中,香氣瞬間撲鼻而來.
- 媽祖埔豆腐張於民國80年由張樹提先生(阿地)創立發跡於雲林東勢鄉,媽祖埔豆腐張初期以行動餐車搭配葉啟田音樂加入自製配音錄音帶跑遍褒忠鄉、東勢鄉大街小巷,以衛生可靠、口味獨特、風味絕佳創造出”媽祖埔豆腐張”深植在地人的好口碑好名聲。於民國99年由第二代返鄉接手經營,且改名媽祖埔豆腐張象徵齊心傳承並持去創新開發新產品並堅持前人理念與精神服務大眾。
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